Victory Over Death
(I Corinthians 15: 1-4)
- In The Beginning
- Trusting Satan brought sin into the world – (Death)
II.Announcement That Christ Would Overcome Satan, (Gen 3:15)
III.Let Us Discuss The Things Surrounding Jesus’ Death – Burial – Resurrection
- Necessity Of The Pure Sacrifice
- God had a plan from the beginning to aid in saving all mankind.
- Christ’s death (Mat 27:51-54)
- The powers-to-be thought through His death they killed the momentum and the movement
II.Resurrections Throughout The Bible
- Ten recorded resurrections (#1 table)
- Resurrections (miracles, wonders, signs) to prove from God!
III.Christ’s Burial
- (Mat. 27:62-66) Secure the tomb – the stone was very great – sealed with cords, wax, mud, or cement, (w/governor’s seal)
IV.Christ’s Resurrection
- Victory was had the 3rd day!
- All the scriptures led up to it
- Christ told of it
B.(Mat. 28)
1.He was seen by many
- (2nd table)
2.He continued to teach (Luke 24:25-43)
- Misconception (John 20:11-18) Mary Magdalene (Mat. 28:9-10)
4.Paul explains what Christ’s resurrection means to us! (1Cor. 15)
- Christ Overcame Death Through The Resurrection
- Christ Was/Is The Messiah & Savior
- John 20:30-31
- Do you believe?